by srijana | Oct 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
Why is private detox expensive One question people ask us, is why we charge a healthy fee per day for our detox programs. That’s a good question. There are several factors involved in fee structure worth considering. The cost of addiction is high, and the financial...
by srijana | Oct 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
Corporate addiction Addiction affects every corner of society, including in the boardroom. We all know the stereotypical pictures of addiction. Street dealers, squatters, crime syndicates, prostitution and the derelict lifestyle. But what about outside those...
by srijana | Oct 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
Executive Detoxing Why is private detox expensive? So you don’t want to line up in the queues for a public detox. Waiting lists can be up to 6 weeks for a government-funded service. And what if someone there recognises you, perhaps the word will get out that you’re in...
by srijana | Oct 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
Confidential Detoxing Police Policy The Police Force has duty of care to its employees to maintain a safe place of work and to provide to the community a comprehensive policing service, which is free of alcohol and other drug abuse. Professional and confidential...
by srijana | Oct 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
Riches to Rags High-Flying Cocaine is now the drug of choice for the high flyer. The rich and famous of Hollywood have always fallen under its spell. Charlie Sheen, Robert Downey Jr. and Nigella Lawson have all had their fall from grace using ‘Stardust’. Australian...