Lead your way back to the top
Author: Rohilesh R. Singh, Curriculum Fellow, Western Sydney University. Graduate Australian Institute Of Company Directors – Order Of Merit
Credit – Populis Leadership www.populis.com.au
This article includes two free diagnostics: 1. The award winning Leadership Framework™️ and The Virtuous Test (assess what you stand for in life)

Addictions have a way of destroying all that means the most to you, family, reputation, businesses and wellbeing. Guilt and unreliability take over and your self-worth suffers. Life can become shallow and meaningless. Of course you can overcome all of this by gaining the right way to live your life, gain self-insight and self-mastery that brings with it greater self control and success. You don’t need to lose your family, fortune, reputation or self-worth. Here you will be given two tools to gain a better understanding of who you are, what you should stand for and how to lead. What you do with the tools is up to you.
Is addiction impacting you, your family or your ability to lead your business? At SDR we work on you to find and sustain your best self again through our life and business coaching, the change in you does not take long to awaken, however it requires systematic and consistent coaching to gain self mastery.
Our process encourages self-awareness, for you to be calm under pressure and not let your joy be disturbed by the highs and lows of life. Take a moment and think about why some people have it all (opulence, power, love, happiness and health) and make it look easy. Living a happy, high performing, addiction free life is not easy for most people, hence so many people today have become susceptible to drugs and alcohol.
Your success is dependent on the following 3 things:
1. Finding true purpose that fuels unshakeable self-worth so you can live in a state of equanimity, free from the highs and lows of life. In this state you can tap into an abundant state of positive energy called Tejas, which is charisma and vitality and an intrinsic drive to keep going in good and tough times without stress and anxiety (refer to your copy of Rise Warrior Rise: Awaken Your Soul to gain a step by step guide).
2. Living and leading others according to the 26 virtues to rise in life (click to take a free virtues test). Living a confused free life requires a clear understanding of right from wrong, being morally strong and having clarity in what you stand for. It requires the ability to regulate your senses so you are not susceptible to any kind of substances or alcohol (refer to your copy of Rise Warrior Rise: Awaken Your Soul to gain a step by step guide).
3. Leadership skills (self and business). In 2020 Macquarie University partnered with Populis Pty Ltd to conduct a study on leadership effectiveness. Using Populis’ Leadership Framework™️, diagnostic interviews were conducted with over 50 company leaders. The study found that leaders are struggling, and operating at less than 74% of their potential and as such a validated framework was created to fast track leadership success. Click the following link to access the framework and diagnose your leadership capability Leadership Framework™️ diagnostic. For optimal results procure a whole of company diagnostic by contacting Populis at info@populis.com.au.
No matter how well thought out your life goals and career plan is, if you aren’t mentally able, emotionally ready, and spiritually fulfilled, life will get the better of you and no matter how big your material accomplishments are, you will struggle to find joy and meaning from life!” – Roh Singh
Rise Warrior Rise plays a big part in your recovery at SDR so you to gain the right way to self-regulate and start your process to self-mastery. You will also have access to business and leadership coaching and if you wish, you may organise a deep dive on your business using the Populis’ Leadership Framework™️.
General George S. Patton said “a good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week”.
The Leadership Framework™️as it will give you a formula for:
- High performance (revenue, innovation, customer experience, staff engagement)
- Aggressive growth ambitions
- Leadership growth needed
The award-winning Leadership Framework™️ takes leaders through 50 critical areas for great performance and governance under the following 5 categories:
- Leadership principles that optimise strategy formation for ethical growth through the actualisation of the company vision;
- Leadership principles that enhance an organisational culture which empowers ethical high performance through innovation, accountability and action;
- Leadership principles which enable efficiencies through excellence in business processes;
- Leadership principles that attract top talent, maximise staff engagement and loyalty; empower people to be their best, find purpose and happiness in their work;
- Leadership for optimal performance.
At SDR you will have a one on one coaching session with Roh Singh, Author of Rise Warrior Rise and Creator of the Leadership Framework and Virtuous, the ethical framework changing lives by giving you a formula for what to stand for in life.